Pokemon Go Forgot To Turn on Night Encounters and Nighttime Collection Challenge

December 2022 · 2 minute read

Update: Trainers, Niantic and Pokemon Go confirmed the Night spawns, and the Night Collection Challenge will now appear from 6 PM until 6 AM local time.

Trainers, we have updated the Solstice Horizons event so that Pokémon associated with night will now appear from 6pm until 6am local time for the remainder of the event.

— Niantic Support (@NianticHelp) June 21, 2023

Trainers, the Solstice Horizons is underway, and the Daytime encounters and Collection Challenge should be over, and the game should be switching to Night encounters and the Nighttime Collection Challenge.

The Pokemon Go Solstice Horizons event offers two different experiences, Day and Night. During the Daytime players can encounter specific Pokemon and complete the Daytime Collection Challenge. During the Nighttime experience, players can encounter different Pokemon and complete the Nighttime Collection Challenge.

Well, it looks like they forgot about this change, as players as still getting the Daytime encounters.

It’s gone 9:30pm and past sunset here and the night spawns haven’t started yet for the new Pokémon GO event.

If they don’t last into the morning beyond sunrise then this could be a problem for a lot of players in northern hemisphere who will be unable to do the night challenge.

— Joe Merrick (@JoeMerrick) June 16, 2023

Many players are experiencing this issue, and as Joe says, this could be a problem as some players will be unable to do the Nighttime Collection Challenge.
