Ford's 'redefining tough' rainbow raptor commercial goes viral, sparks online backlash

December 2020 · 5 minute read

Automobile manufacturer Ford has become the latest target for conservatives after an old ad featuring a rainbow-colored raptor resurfaced on the internet. On May 17, Twitter user Phillip Oliver-Holz, a self-proclaimed “alpha male”, shared a video clip of the ad which was released last year in Pride month, June.

Phillip reposted a video originally uploaded on TikTok by user Brian Michael on May 16. Brian wrote in the text overlay of the video that the company destroyed 120 years of American history in one minute. He also added the now-popular phrase “go woke go broke”, which is frequently used by conservatives.

Ford’s “Very Gay” Raptor adopted a glittery gold body adorned with a wave of rainbow running from the front side of the car to the back. The Pride-themed Raptor was in response to a homophobic comment about a Ranger Raptor video that was shared in 2021.

This Next-Gen rainbow Ranger Raptor was brought to the scene to redefine the meaning of “tough”, and in an attempt to proudly announce their advocacy for the LGBTQ+ community.

Conservatives react to what they deem Ford's "wokeness"

In the wake of the recent online backlash that several companies have been receiving for showing their support to the LGBTQ+ community, right-wingers keep digging into past commercials or promotions by companies that have advocated for the queer community.

The recent attack on Ford is a part of the string of criticism and queerphobic social media movement carried out by the conservatives of America. Similar to what they did with Bud Light, they are now calling to boycott the American automobile company that has been in business since 1903.

Conservatives react to Very Gay Raptor. (Image via YouTube/Ford Europe)
Conservatives react to Very Gay Raptor. (Image via YouTube/Ford Europe)
Conservatives react to Very Gay Raptor. (Image via YouTube/Ford Europe)
Conservatives react to Very Gay Raptor. (Image via TikTok/@mr.byhellyeah88)
Conservatives react to Very Gay Raptor. (Image via TikTok/@mr.byhellyeah88)

"Tough Talk" series featuring Gareth Thomas

Introducing the Very Gay Raptor was a follow-up to the “Tough Talks” video series presented by the company featuring Gareth Thomas, a former Welsh Rugby player. Gareth is the first rugby union player who is openly gay.

In the video series, he spoke with guests about fighting homophobia in the automotive world and shed light on the need of redefining how one perceives the notion of being tough. Live sessions of the series were hosted at the Goodwood Festival of Speed.

Ford’s initiative to build the Very Gay Raptor was prompted by what seemed to be a homophobic response to their previous version of a blue Ranger Raptor. In June 2021, the company uploaded a video and said that their latest Ranger Raptor reveal had gained a lot of attention, but one comment stopped them in their tracks.

The commenter wrote that the car was cool, but the blue color of the vehicle was “very gay”. The name of the person who made the comment was blacked out by the company.

However, they took the homophobic jab as a compliment and took a recommendation from another person who asked the company to paint the Raptor black and gold.

As requested, they built the Very Gay Raptor with a gold body and a rainbow livery to celebrate their 25 years of LGBTQ+ advocacy across Europe.

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