Kate Gosselin Moves to North Carolina, Abandons Some of Her Kids

September 2020 · 3 minute read

Kate Gosselin just put even more distance between herself and her ex-husband.

Literal distance, that is.

The former reality star and polarizing television personality has moved from Pennsylvania to North Carolina.

As previously reported, Gosselin sold the home in which she and Jon raised their eight kids earlier this year.

She banked over one million dollars for the sale, but she may have caused an even larger rift with at least one of her kids as a result of the decision.

In an interview this past November, after Kate put the residence on the market, Jon went public with how it allegedly affected daughter Hannah.

“Her house is listed, and she didn’t even notify Hannah that she was moving,” Jon told Dr. Oz, adding that Hannah only learned of this potential home sale via “text message.”

Jon has had custody of Hannah and her brother, Collin, for well over a year now.

They’re the only two of his eight kids that talk to Jon — while, conversely, Kate has no contact at all with this son or daughter.

Not exactly the most healthy situation, is it?

Hannah "was pretty much upset that that was her childhood home, her mother selling it, didn’t even call her to say, ‘Hey, do you want any of your stuff or anything? Hey, I need to sell this house,’” Jon added to Oz in an episode that aired on November 10.

“There is no contact," Jon said at the time of the relationship between Kate and Hannah.

But back to this sale and relocation…

Kate is now residing in her new home state with only half of her kids.

“Kate picked up and moved the kids down to North Carolina to spend their junior and senior years there with a totally new life,” a source told Hollywood Life, confirming that neither Mady nor Cara, who are at college, went with her.

“The two girls are in no rush to go to North Carolina. They weren’t happy about the move because they have no friends there," this insider says.

Neither Collin nor Hannah, of course, went down there, either.

Gosselin and Jon bought their 7,591-square-foot estate in Pennsylvania in 2008, at the height of Jon & Kate Plus 8’s popularity.

Feels like centuries ago, doesn’t it?

The estate sits on 23 acres and includes six bedrooms, seven bathrooms, a swimming pool and a full chef’s kitchen.

Kate first listed the home in October for $1.2 million and sold if for $1,085,000 on January 26.

According to Jon, meanwhile, Hannah hasn’t seen her mother in a year or two, while Collin hasn’t seen Kate "in years."

No reunions appear to be in the works, either.

"Whether it’s parent alienation or you know, I can’t really reach out to them and there’s legalities,” Jon more recently said to Dr. Oz.

“I can’t, like, go to where they move, you know? It’d be trespassing and those kinds of things."

Does Jon have a message for his estranged six sons and daughters?

"I want to say I love you, my door is always open, you’re welcome anytime.

"There’s no regrets or hard feelings or any of those negative things … you can always come see me or come see Hannah and Collin.”
