Kendra Wilkinson Shows Hank Baskett What He's Missing: New Hair, Same Boobs

February 2022 · 3 minute read

Kendra Wilkinson is unrecognizable.

Now that Kendra is divorcing Hank Baskett after months of hints and build-up, she’s making other major changes in her life.

And she’s saying goodbye to her trademark blonde hair and going brunette.

Since parting ways with Hank after recent troubles in the couple’s marriage, Kendra has been hitting the slopes and spending quality time with her children.

But now she’s decided that it’s high time that she make a change in her life that she’s always wanted to try.

As she explains in the captions of her series of photos, Kendra is dipping her toes into the world of brown hair.

"Been wanting to experiment like this for a long time and here it is."

Take a look.

Kendra looks great.

And you can practically feel her enthusiasm about this new ‘do emanating through the screen.

"So excited for this change."

But she promises that she’s still the Kendra whom fans have come to know over the years.

"But I’ll always stay true to my roots."

What Instagram post would be complete without a cringeworthy pun?

Fans took to her comments to praise her brunette style:

"Right?? Makes you look so much younger!"

"Sooooooo much better than [blonde]."

"Love’n your new hair color! I think the change is great!"

"Oh my gosh! I LOVE LOVE LOVE it! Beautiful!!!"

"Love the brown hair, your beautiful eyes really pop!"

"Welcome to the Darkside Hottie!!!!! I freaking love your Vengence Look!!!"

Of course, not everyone was a fan. Though they were definitely in the minority, some followers did not like the change.

"Back to blonde pls!!! I thought this was a random 50 yr old on my insta."

"Whoever says this looks BETTER then her OG look is straight lying to her."

"Looks good. You should’ve went red though ;)"

Several people suggested that she dye her hair red. Let her live her life, folks.

"I like better your hair blonde … That color makes you look older."

Everyone’s a critic.

Each individual will have to decide for themselves if Kendra looks older or younger, since fans and followers have very different takeaways.

One might say that she looks the same age, but just with brown hair.

But her carefree attitude and the emotional relief that comes from putting an end to a troubled marriage could account for why some fans perceive her to look younger now.

In other words: it’s not the hair, it’s the Hank. Or Hanklessness.

Stress really can make a person seem more tired and therefore older, which could absolutely account for why fans see her looking so different here.

At the same time … she’s also posing in a youthful, carefree manner.

And one should always consider that perhaps a celebrity’s fans and followers are just, you know, being nice.

The critics who said that she looks older or less distinctive or whatever, conversely, may have simply being being unkind because saying rude things to beautiful celebrities on social media makes them feel better about themselves.

Also, beauty is subjective.

The Hollywood Gossip

Kendra Wilkinson Falls Apart on Instagram, Confirms Divorce!?

