Weightlifting may pose risk to eyesight, study finds | Science

February 2021 ยท 2 minute read

Weightlifting may pose risk to eyesight, study finds

Weightlifters may have a greater risk of developing a potentially devastating eye disease, according to a study.

Eye specialists discovered that specific exercises can trigger a surge in pressure within the eyes which could predispose weightlifters to normal-tension glaucoma. The disease leads to damage to the optic nerve and gradual loss of eyesight.

Tests on 30 male weightlifters showed that when they held their breath while performing bench press exercises, the pressure in their eyes increased significantly. Previous studies have shown normal-tension glaucoma to be more prevalent in people who experience frequent changes in eye pressure.

Doctors at the Institute of Specialised Ophthalmology in Brazil asked the weightlifters, who were aged between 18 and 40, to perform various exercises. For half of the repetitions each performed, they were asked to hold their breath, and for the rest to breathe normally. All were recruited with a healthy eyeball pressure of less than 21mm of mercury.

When the weightlifters held their breath, 90% experienced a rise in eyeball pressure of nearly 25%. When they breathed normally, it rose half as much and in only 62% of the bodybuilders. The study appears in the September issue of Archives of Ophthalmology.

Geraldo Magela Vieira, who led the study, said the problem might arise when air is forced against the closed windpipe and pressure increases in the chest. Breathing continuously throughout training would minimise the effect.
